Mastered Skills (most children can do)
Emerging Skills (half of children can do)
Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
- Smiles
- Laughs
- Holds head at 45-degree angle
- Vocalises sounds - gurgling and cooing
- Follows objects
- Holds head up for short periods
- Smiles, laughs
- Holds head at 45-degree angle
- Movements become smoother
- Turns towards loud sounds
- Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
- Can roll over
- Turns towards sounds and voices
- Imitates sounds, blows bubbles
- Rolls in both directions
- May lunge forward or start crawling
- May jabber or combine syllables
- May drag object towards himself
- Sits without support
- Reaches for things with a
sweeping motion
- Imitates speech
sounds (babbles)
- Combines syllables into
wordlike sounds
- Begins to crawl or lunges forward
- Stands while holding onto something
- Waves goodbye
- Bangs objects together
- Says "dada" and
"mama" to both parents (isn't specific)
- Begins to crawl
- Passes object from hand to hand
- Stands while holding onto
- Crawls well
- Points at objects
- Pulls self to standing
position, cruises around furniture while holding on
- Picks things up with thumb-finger "pincer"
- Indicates wants with gestures
- Uses pincer grasp to pick up objects
- Cruises while holding onto
- Bangs objects together
- Waves goodbye
- Picks things up with pincer
- Crawls well
- Cruises
- Says "dada" and
"mama" to the right parent (is specific)
- Responds to name and
understands "no"
- Indicates wants with gestures
- Drinks from a cup
- Stands alone for a couple
of seconds
- Puts objects into a container
- Says
"dada" and "mama" to
the right parent (is specific)
- Plays patty-cake
- Stands alone for a couple of
- Imitates others' activities
- Puts objects into a container
- Understands simple instructions
- Drinks from a cup
- Says one word besides
"mama" and "dada"
- Stoops from standing position
- Imitates others' activities
- Jabbers wordlike sounds
- Indicates wants with gestures
- Says one word besides
"mama" and "dada"
- Takes a few steps
- Understands and responds to
simple instructions
- Scribbles with crayon
- Walks well
- Says two words besides
"mama" and "dada"
- Uses two words skillfully (e.g.
"hello" and "bye")
- Enjoys gazing at his reflection
- Combines words and gestures to
make needs known
- Bends over and picks up an
- Tries to lift heavy things
- Rolls a ball back and forth
- Empties containers of contents
- Matches lids with appropriate
containers (e.g. pots and pans)
- Points to one body part when
- Pushes and pulls toys while
- Vocabulary increases up to five
- Adopts "no" as his
favourite word
- Puts his fingers to his mouth
and says "shhh"
- Turns the pages of a book
- Takes off one piece of clothing
by himself
- Has temper tantrums when
- Becomes attached to a soft toy
or other object
- Learns the correct way to use
common objects (e.g. the telephone)
- Uses a handful of words
- Responds to directions (e.g.
"Sit down")
- Sorts toys by colour, shape, or
- Will "read" board
books on his own
- Strings words together in
- Can pedal when put on trike
- Takes toys apart and puts them
back together
- Builds a tower of four cubes
- Shows signs of toilet training
- Washes hands (needs help with
- Builds a tower out of three or
four building bricks
- Speaks clearly most of the time
- Builds a tower out of several
- Washes hands (needs help with
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